Most Known Child Development Theories Every Childcare Workers Should Know!

February 1, 2021    childcarecoursesinperth

Childcare workers require the right kind of hands-on training to thrive in this profession. Similarly, they need a good deal of theoretical knowledge as well. The only way to attain these skills and knowledge is by completing one of the best child care courses in Perth properly. Aside taking care of kids you are also nurturing these young buds so that they attain a healthy life. That’s why it is equally important that you put utter stress on theoretical knowledge as well apart from practical training. Here are a few of the most prominent child development theories which you should know imperatively.

Intellectual Development Theory of Maria Montessori!

If you have heard about the Montessori Method then you must have heard of this development theory as well. Basically, this theory focuses solely on the play-oriented learning and progress in children. According to this theory, learning should be in the following forms:

  • Supervision by teachers who resort to a hands-off strategy
  • Instead of just testing and evaluating optimizing your observation as well
  • Stimulate imagination in children and draw their attention
  • Subjective learning, means learning should be according to the unique requirements of children instead of teachers.
  • Unstructured and free from any restrictions

This method is incorporated by most of the childcare centres of Australia. You too can execute it somewhat to ensure the choicest health and well-being for your students.

Theory of Connected Experience by John Dewey!

This particular theory stresses upon the fact that parents and childhood educators must look for interactive opportunities. They must do so solely for their kids in relation to the society in general. Besides, they should also include the various play-oriented learning as adequately as possible. As a result, kids will attain a clear understanding about the world they conventionally reside in. They will also realize that there are different social and cultural backgrounds with which they should live harmoniously.

Cognitive Development Theory by Jean Piaget!

This theory puts mere stress on the paramount importance of cognitive development for the overall development of kids. It proposes the notion that development in children takes place in a sequential order. So, a child should become adept at each of these stages first before moving on to the subsequent one. This developmental theory propagates the idea that a kid’s potential remains constrained according to the stage they are undergoing at the moment. Hence, you should engage them into tasks and activities which are in line with their present skills and abilities.

Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Gardner!

As per this theory, both adults and kids have intelligence of multiple forms. These forms of intelligence are created and develop gradually with time. These include the following:

  • Bodily kinaesthetic
  • Logical-mathematical
  • Naturalist
  • Intrapersonal (self-awareness)
  • Linguistic
  • Spatial (ability to envisage the world) and
  • Musical

Aside other learning capabilities it also focuses on the core areas of intelligence. In short, this theory ascertains the comprehensive development of children by focusing on all the crucial aspects of their intelligence.

The Sociocultural Theory by Lev Vygotsky!

According to this particular theory, social skills are developed in children first aside just psychological and physical development. It implies that all kinds of interactive sessions contribute to the overall development of a child. These include interaction with you as a childcare worker, the child’s relatives, parents and that of friends etc. As a result, their social, linguistic as well as mental development improves to a reasonable extent.

Attain Your Dream Childcare Career in Australia!

So, to become a qualified childcare worker in Australia you can complete the certificate iii in childcare Perth Australia. Subsequently, you can complete the diploma in childcare course too for attaining a rewarding childcare career in Australia!

Enrol for child care courses today
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